Fish Learning Fridays | Setting up a New Tropical Tank

Looking to set up a fish tank, but not sure where to begin or you just want a quick refresh on how to jump into this fun hobby with your kids again? Look no further, join Gary Jones as he discusses all the details around setting up a new freshwater tropical community tank in this edition of Fish Learning Friday!

From putting in décor and gravel, adding a filter, to treating the water, to adding fish, the API brand is here to help you be a successful fishkeeper!

Watch this fun, informative video below with your kids and/or students to get a jumpstart in setting up your aquarium. This video is a great resource on its own or perfect supplement for those teachers and parents who downloaded the first Fish Curriculum Lesson plan. If you want to check out the Lesson plan, click here.

Please share your viewing experience with us or through our social media pages using the hashtag, #FishLearningFriday or via our contact us page, and check back for more videos to come!

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